Why Mike Rosenfeld believes the Maryland Digital Ad Tax is misguided

Let me begin by providing some disclaimers about this post. This is my personal opinion This is not meant to be political but practical I absolutely welcome good natured debate on the points I am going to present PLAY VIDEO NOW The goals of implementing the Digital Ad Tax can be argued are admirable.  To raise revenue to be earmarked for schools during...

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How Appointment Software Changed My World

Are you a consultant or someone who scheduled multiple meetings a day?  Do you find it difficult to coordinate with people on a convenient time that works for all parties.  If this sound like you, you and I are alike. Now, are you somewhat of a control freak with your schedule, wanting to make sure no one else books time in your schedule for you that may...

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Generating & Closing Digital Marketing Leads Video Available

On October 14, 2020, Michael Rosenfeld conducted a webinar with his co-host Larry Van Sant entitled “Generating & Closing Digital Marketing Leads”.  This webinar was well attended and the feedback was amazing.  We felt we would share this webinar with you.  We hope you enjoy.   The video is available at https://youtu.be/vRo6Brwp_M8

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Season 1 Finale of “The Conversation”

Our own Mike Rosenfeld is the co-host a podcast entitled "The Conversation".  It is about the challenges facing U.S. cities with a focus on Baltimore.  Check it out at http://theconversation.city/the-podcasts/

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Google Analytics 101 Webinar Video Available

On August 19, 2020, Michael Rosenfeld conducted a webinar entitled "Google Analytics 101".  This webinar was well attended and the feedback was amazing.  We felt we would share this webinar with you.  We hope you enjoy.   The video is available at https://youtu.be/U0E_WaFt2ag  

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Hugely Important Google Release You Must Know

Google has just released a new Chrome extension that warns you if the username and password that you're using has been stolen in any data breaches. It then prompts you to change them if they were. How huge is this? If you are unfamiliar with extensions for Chrome,...

How To Protect Your Site With Google reCAPTCHA v2

        We all know there are unscrupulous hackers who make their living or get their thrills from making regular website owners like you and me difficult.  Aren't you tired of the spam that is transmitted from your web forms into your inbox?  Do...

How To Create Strategic LinkedIn Sales Navigator Searches

If you are a B2B company that needs to continue to fill your pipeline with prospects, that you should be using LinkedIn Sales Navigator. This post shows step by step instructions on how to do so. To log into Sales Navigator, click on the Sales Navigator icon in the...

How To Author A LinkedIn Recommendation

LinkedIn is the premiere social channel for business.  It is truly a networking platform. LinkedIn works best for those who give not just take.  You can give many ways on LinkedIn. The most common ways people give on LinkedIn is in the form of posts, articles,...

Major Google Analytics Retention Data Loss

Google is doing some housekeeping, and your data WILL get deleted if you do nothing.  We assume that Google is attempting to manage the "free" data they are storing for Google Analytics users.  The user and event data collect from your web site has been saved...

East steps to join LinkedIn Groups

        Many users of LinkedIn are unaware of the strategic benefits of joining and participating in LinkedIn Groups.  Below are just a few benefits of doing so: Groups can give you a direct communication channel to members of each group. You can...

LinkedIn, Facebook & Twitter Posting Frequency Tips

Social Media can be very intimidating.  We are asked often, “What is the optimal amount of times a day and times of the day to publish to Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter to ensure the best results"?  In addition, our clients ask how frequently they should be posting to...

How Do You Share Google Analytics with Someone

There are many occasions that you may want to share your Google Analytics data with other people within your organization or third party consultants.  Follow these simple steps in order to invite someone to share your Google Analytics account.  Note:  You will have to...