10 LinkedIn Strategies To Help You Grow Your Business

10 LinkedIn Strategies To Help You Grow Your Business

Create a Company Page: A Company Page is a great way to showcase your brand, products, and services to potential clients. Make sure to regularly update your page with relevant content, such as industry news, company updates, and thought leadership pieces. Build a Strong Network: Building a strong network of connections on LinkedIn can help you connect with...

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How to quickly delete all your unread emails in Gmail

How to quickly delete all your unread emails in Gmail

On average, Americans get 21 spam emails a day.  That is about 600 a month and 7500 a year.  Like most people, you likely do not archive or delete them properly, so they sit there, taking up space.  If you are a Gmail user, there is a quick and easy way to delete these spam and unread emails in mass.  To do so, follow these directions (each step is...

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It Is Time To Take Your Digital Strategy Seriously Because Your Competitors Are.

It Is Time To Take Your Digital Strategy Seriously Because Your Competitors Are.

Congratulations on staying in business for yet another year.  But is that really the standard you want to set?  Or, do you want to grow and kick the tail of your competitors?  Is 2023 the year you finally get serious and develop and implement a digital strategy plan? Here are some of the real work benefits of executing a digital strategy plan: The ability...

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Transitioning to GA4 (Google Analytics 4) should begin now!

Transitioning to GA4 (Google Analytics 4) should begin now!

A significant shift is happening with Google Analytics, and you need to start preparing now.  Google is sunsetting its current Analytics (Universal Analytics) and replacing it with GA4.  GA4 stands for Google Analytics 4.  GA4 is Google's 4th iteration of its analytics platform.  You likely are currently using Google Universal Analytics, their 3rd...

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Clues That Your Google Account May Have Been Hacked

Clues That Your Google Account May Have Been Hacked

These may seem simple and obvious, but here are clues that your Google account may have been hacked.   You received dreaded security alerts from Google. your inbox has emails indicating you changed your password. Your outbox has emails you know you did not send. Your password has changed, and you know you did not change it. Your security setting has...

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How To Undo A Sent E-Mail (For Google Workspace Users)

More and more organizations are using Google Workspace to manage their data, users, and apps from a single portal.  This includes email.  So, if you are using your corporate domain with Google Workspace for email, you are essentially using Gmail.  Google has a way to...

The Importance Of Digital Marketing During A Recession

All signs appear to show that we are heading for a recession.  When a recession happens, money gets tight.  The knee-jerk response is to find ways to cut expenses, which is a practical step to take. Marketing efforts are one of the first categories to cut. Here is the...

How To Access Any WIFI Password You Have Ever Connected To

Have you ever returned to a place (ex. an office building, coffee shot, hotel) and you are able to automatically re-connect to their wifi?  What if you wanted to connect your other devices like your phone or tablet to the same wifi and you can not find the hostname...

What is Duck Duck Go?

What do Netscape, Internet Explorer, Safari, and Google Chrome all have in common?  They are all web browsers, and, in this case, the order of web browsers I have adopted, in that order, since the mid-1990s.  Today, you may be seeing advertising for Duck Duck Go,...

How Appointment Software Changed My World

Are you a consultant or someone who scheduled multiple meetings a day?  Do you find it difficult to coordinate with people on a convenient time that works for all parties.  If this sound like you, you and I are alike. Now, are you somewhat of a control freak with your...

Generating & Closing Digital Marketing Leads Video Available

On October 14, 2020, Michael Rosenfeld conducted a webinar with his co-host Larry Van Sant entitled “Generating & Closing Digital Marketing Leads”.  This webinar was well attended and the feedback was amazing.  We felt we would share this webinar with you.  We...

Season 1 Finale of “The Conversation”

Our own Mike Rosenfeld is the co-host a podcast entitled "The Conversation".  It is about the challenges facing U.S. cities with a focus on Baltimore.  Check it out at http://theconversation.city/the-podcasts/

Google Analytics 101 Webinar Video Available

On August 19, 2020, Michael Rosenfeld conducted a webinar entitled "Google Analytics 101".  This webinar was well attended and the feedback was amazing.  We felt we would share this webinar with you.  We hope you enjoy.   The video is available at...

What Are Google Alerts and How Can You Use Them Strategically

Google Alerts is a very underutilized tool. It is a free tool that allows organizations to monitor their online presence.  Below are some ways you can benefit from using this tool. Help track progress of your newly published content to see if it has been indexed by...